Anxiety Solutions CBT


Anxiety Solutions CBT is a Psychology Practice that specialises in treating:
1.Stress, Anxiety and Depression.
2.What makes our practice unique is that we offer quality-controlled, evidence-based treatment. Every psychologist in the practice is trained in Renee Mill’s cognitive behaviour therapy program so that every patient is assured of receiving treatment that has been proven to work.
3.Our unique program is delivered in a practical way which includes useful tools, a take-home workbook and in-session exercises.
4.We have a team of experienced psychologists who take a structured approach to delivering Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) yet are compassionate and flexible enough to tailor our services to meet your needs.
5.We provide a variety of services. This ensures that you will find one or more that will help you to reduce your symptoms.
6.We measure your progress and keep you, and your doctor, informed of your progress. This way you stay motivated and have proof of efficacy of treatment.
7.We work closely with doctors, specialists and allied health professionals so that your best interests are served. However, we are confidential at all times and will only communicate with other professionals after obtaining written permission from you.
8.We believe in transparency. We remove the mystique around psychological processes. You will understand and participate in your treatment goals. You can have access to your information and results at any time.
9.We value ongoing growth and development. We know that the better we are, the better you will be
10.We subscribe to the APS code of ethics. We also have developed our own mission and culture statement.
